Da By's

Da By's
Da By's know how to beat the Covid Blues! A game of pond hockey was much needed after another 2-week lockdown and online school! Great friendships here both on and off the ice. Thanks for keeping us smiling boys!! <a class=""oajrlxb2" tabindex=""0"" role=""link"" href=""https:/www.facebook.com/hashtag/wewillnotletcoviddefeatus?__eep__=6&__gid__=473344166546776&__cft__[0]=AZWbPrUk6ihQlD0ePIeUs0FeSZmiXXTIt52vMoePMJw_myERwaB2rPZ85lf349ON6Zq6c6dNy81LkOs9HAykDHw34E8_SAC-9pL7NSsfqsKUmgFnHFB9UIdHg1HNv3f4zdW7xOVSzABPyndWcWPvUdro2i0WaH3DHgJQ0zDf5B4qgTwIsz2Le70e6jdYUfLSxUo&__tn__=*NK-R"">#wewillnotletcoviddefeatus
Pictured are L-R: Daniel Warren second year U18, Patrick Hanrahan first year U18, Josh Mayo second year U18, Liam Smith second year U8, Tyler Norman first year U18, Sam Ruttgaizer first year U18, Tyler Crocker first year U18, & Christopher Fitzpatrick second year U18.